Eileen’s Carefully Curated Toolbox
Note: This list is informational and in no way endorsed
Favorite Wellness Podcasts
An everchanging list of some of the most riveting conversations on the topic of wellbeing. Eileen is a believer in narrowcasting and being selective about what we listen to. Here are just a few of her favorites.
70 Over 70 Make the most of the time we have left
Alain De Botton on using Ancient Philosophy in Modern Life.
Aspen: Ideas to Go Big Ideas that will open your mind
Back from Broken A podcast about addiction recovery
Dear Sugar and Sugar Calling Radically empathic advice
Dear Therapists Emotional first aid on real people.
Found My Fitness with Dr. Rhonda Patrick Distilled research on health and longevity
Hidden Brain A conversation about life’s unseen patterns
How’s Work? with Esther Perel on live workplace conflict
Huberman Lab Science-backed tools for everyday life.
IntInvisibilia The Invisible forces that control human behavior
Interviews with Yuval Harari Author of Sapiens, the long view of Humankind
Kind World How single acts of kindness can change our lives
On Being with Krista Tippett Spiritual inquiry, science, social healing
Losing 100 Pounds with Corrine Crabtree Stop yoyo dieting by following 4 basic rules.
Magic Lessons: On Getting the Creative UNSTUCK
My Unsung Heros A single action has a profound and positive impact, but was not recognized
No Ego Podcast and Reality-Based Leadership. Reduce Drama in the workplace.
Psych with Paul Bloom and David Pizarro two psychology professors deliver their PSYCH 101 course
Rich Roll Podcast Masterclass in personal and professional development
Ten Percent Happier Interviews with meditation experts and top scientists on mindfulness
The Doctor’s Farmacy Functional medicine, health wellness, food and politics
The Drive with Peter Attia MD, optimizing health and longevity
The Happiness Lab @ Yale Based on Yale’s popular Happiness Course
The Knowledge Project Interviews with top performers for hard-earned insights
The Psychology Podcast with Scott Barry Kaufman
Tim Ferriss on accelerated learning
Unlocking Us and Dare to Lead with Brene Brown Conversations to help us live wholeheartedly
Where Should we Begin? with Esther Perel, live couples counseling
Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus, interviews with iconic older women.
WorkLife with Adam Grant: A TED original podcast on how to make work not suck.
Parenting Courses that Will Change your Life (for the better)
Parent Encouragement Program (PEP Parent). Parenting is a bewildering and complex endeavor, these courses changed my life for the better in the parenting domain. Start with a course on discipline or encouragement. All of their courses based on Alfred Adler’s theory of giving kids a strong sense of belonging, competence and self-regulation.
Favorite Documentaries
- 13th
- Atlas of the Heart
- Brene Brown: The Call to Courage
- College Behind Bars
- Defining Hope
- Embrace
- Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead
- Fed Up
- Free Solo
- Happy. The Movie
- Icarus
- If You’re Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast
- In Defense of Food
- Jiro Dreams of Sushi
- Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work
- Kareem: Minority of One
- Lipstick and Liquor
- Man on Wire
- Misery Loves Comedy
- Shane McGonkey
- The Biggest Little Farm
- The Gamechangers
- The Magic Pill
- The Perfect Human Diet
- The Search for General Tso
- The Social Dilemma
- The Weight of Gold
- Three Identical Strangers
- Valley Uprising
Favorite Meditation Teacher and APP
Suggest experiment with the 30 -day daily guided meditation course, Waking up with Sam Harris If you would like to take a 30 day meditation course for free, email Eileen and she will gift it to you.
Knowing and Using our Core Strengths
Authentic Happiness: Values in Action (VIA) Strengths Test at the University of Pennsylvania, Authentic Happiness/Positive Psychology Website. The test is free but you have to register on the website to take it and get your scores. It takes about 40 minutes. Knowing this, you can work to deploy your strengths more fully in more situations across your life.