Frequently Asked Questions

What is coaching?

Coaches are workign wiht others to to live theri best lives. Thsi is done through a relationship that creates transformation and learning in people seeking to change the parts of their lives that are no longer serving them well. It starts with deep listening, an engaging conversation in which you the thinker gains more insight about what you may be struggling with and sometimes access what you already know.

Coaching is a relational tool (with me) to get at your deepest wants and desires. It is a conversation in which I listen intensely to what you want and work closely with you to use your strengths to get it. We focus on the present and the imagined future and only the past as it relates to prior successes. We work together to bring out your very best self, “to your own self be true”.

So it is like therapy or personal training?

It is neither. Coaches are having skillful conversations and listening intensely. Coaches work on the present and desired future that you want. We do not spend too much time in the past or on the problem. We are very much geared to taking new actions and not just talking. For example, after we speak, you may want to experiment with a different approach to your challenge.

I see that you live near DC. Do I need to live near you to be coached by you?

Research has found that people are more candid over the phone, when there is no eye contact. I do most of my coaching virtually ( phone or ZOOM) and we often never meet in person, although I will know you very well from the conversations we have. Coaching works best when the coach and the thinker (you) start out as strangers. Should you prefer face to face meetings and live near DC we can arrange in-person meetings.

What kind of commitment do I need to make?

Each encounter is 50 minutes and they can be at any interval you choose. When you commit to coaching, it is helpful to have some extra space in your life to reflect on what you are doing and to be mindful of the changes you want to make. If you are stressed out and not able to accomplish your goals, consider that we will be exploring the things in your life that drain you or are too small for you. We work together to bring more activity forward that makes you feel fully alive. It is best to commit to coaching for at LEAST 3 months in order to make lasting change.

Who could benefit from Coaching?

Adults or late adolescents who are contemplating a change in their life- who have not been successful in sustained change. We all have untapped potential, that with the right tools and support, can take us to a level of wholeness we may not have imagined. While ambivalence is very normal when initiating change, coaching is not appropriate for those who are completely resistant to changing. Basically, anybody in any sphere of the change cycle (contemplation, preparation, determination, action, or relapse) would benefit from a wellness coach relationship.

I partner with people with:

  • Any kind of self-defeating behavior
  • A life out of balance/life that is not your own
  • Clinical signs of chronic illness
  • Obesity or overweight
  • Procrastination
  • A relationship with food that does not support wellness
  • A high amount of stress, anxiety or discontentedness
  • A desire to commit to and stick with regular exercise
  • No time to do what calls to them
  • Type II Diabetes or early clinical signs of diabetes
  • Elevated cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • A feeling that despite great accomplishments, something in life is missing
  • Experiencing a troubled relationship
    Leadership challenges
    Unsuitable work/vocation

  • A life lived in quite desperation

What coaching is not

  • Psychotherapy, counseling or psychoanalysis
  • Personal training
  • Belittling, denigrating, punishing
  • In any way guilt-inducing

Want to learn more about Dr. O'Grady?

Dr. O’Gradys BIO and Curriculum Vita